visual artist

Like your schadouw , your roots folow you

Starting from the theme of integration, the prformance is a “presentation” of the process  Iwent through. 

From fearing of being different, not being accepted , the fear of losing your own identity ,being invizible in a new society to the moment of  finding the path , the acceptance . 

The video projection is made using  my  drawings and fragments of my artworks made  during the first 3 years in The Nederlands. Retrospective I realised that I drew  my own roots .

Whether you have emigrated to follow your love, looking for work and a better life, or just curious; the step to leave your family, friends and birthplace is an emotional process. Growing new roots is another step that also involves trial and error,  sadness and hope.  

photos:Viorica Cernica

Like your schadouw , your roots folow you
Like your schadouw , your roots folow you
Like your schadouw , your roots folow you
Like your schadouw , your roots folow you
Like your schadouw , your roots folow you
Like your schadouw , your roots folow you
Like your schadouw , your roots folow you